About Us

Who we are

According to UNICEF, children born in low income countries are more likely to die before reaching age 5. The 2021 under-five mortality rate (U5MR) for low income countries was 67 deaths per 1,000 live births, which is 14 times higher than for high income countries where 2021 U5MR was just 5 deaths per 1,000 live births.
These tragic and massive loss of lives, most of which were due to preventable or treatable causes is a stark reminder of the urgent need to end preventable deaths of children. Sadly, these deaths were largely preventable with widespread and effective interventions like improved care around time of birth, vaccination and nutritional supplementation.
Pakistan is among the top 15 countries where pneumonia – a preventable, treatable and easily diagnosed disease- is still the biggest killer of young children.
The question is why an alarmingly high number of children still dying of such a preventable disease for which vaccines and effective treatment is available?
Various problems are encountered while taking a sick child to a clinic or hospital. Financial costs, lack of awareness, inaccessibility( esp in far flung areas of Pakistan) impede the effective treatment of children and even if they do end up getting treated, it is by unprofessional doctors or “ quacks”.
It is under these circumstances that HWF came in with the mission to provide every child with quality and affordable healthcare.

Our Mission

• To provide lifesaving medical care to those in need and those who cant access it (esp. In far flung areas of Pakistan).

• To intervene with cost effective healthcare preventive measures.

• To disseminate and spread awareness pertaining to child and mother’s care.

• To eliminate misconceptions regarding immunization as many infectious diseases in children are largely preventable through vaccination.

Our Vision

A nation in which everyone has access to quality healthcare.

Our Values

• Accessibility
• Equity
• Humility
• Quality
• Teamwork

Message from the CEO

While working at the pediatric Emergency  department  of one of the biggest tertiary  healthcare hospitals, I witnessed  that many children came to the ED with life threatening  conditions . I also noticed one more thing which was quite alarming that the parents of these sick children had been seeking medical advice  from “quacks” or unprofessional doctors. If these children  had initially  been treated at some primary health care clinic  or opd then their  condition  would not have deteriorated  to such an extent. It is for this reason that Healers For All Welfare Foundation was established which aims to make quality  and affordable  healthcare  accessible  to  to every  child.  I strongly  believe  that right to health is the basic  right of every  child irrespective  of their social status and its our duty and responsibility  to give back to the society in which we live.

At HWF clinic our  trained doctors and staff are treating  patients  and providing  free of cost medications.  We also have trained counsellors  to counsel parents regarding  the care & treatment at home as many people come from uneducated backgrounds.  I am  very proud  of the fact  that we are also offering  routine laboratory  tests at the most affordable  price.

Me and my team’s quest to serve the destitute  gives us the strength  to work with full dedication  and sincerity. We always welcome support offered in any way so please volunteer or donate in any way possible.  Join us in this great endeavor  to turn the tide!

Dr Muhammad Hashir, CEO Healers For All Welfare Foundation.

Our Members

Adnan Ahmad Ansari

Group CEO


Ahmad Saad Hashmi

Former Head of Corporate Sales/

HSBC Global Banking & Markets

Dr. Farah Essa Zaidi

Founder & CEO Dr Farah Essa Academy/

Director Dr Essa Laboratory & Diagnostic Center 

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